2018年11月5日 星期一
【It's Time】
Imagine Dragons主唱Dan Reynolds在2018 LoveLoud 音樂節支持年輕的LGBTQ族群。
演唱會募得超過100萬美金捐給 LGBTQ慈善團體。
Apple的CEO Tim Cook這樣介紹他們 : (0:08)(https://reurl.cc/R6EeG)
“(Imagine Dragons is) A band always stands what they believe.”
Dan Reynolds 在演唱會上這樣說(8:07)(https://reurl.cc/v54p1) :
“I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish ! I wish you could understand.
I wish you see how much we care about you, how much we love you, how much we support you, how much we stand with you.
I hope it’s tonight, and it’s today you know , YOU KNOW that your sexuality is pure, and it’s true, and it’s clean. I hope that you know your are needed, we need you.”
“We must change our culture. We must change the way we see each other.
I know this culture. I was raised in this world, I knew it.”
“You love, you don’t need to tell someone how to love. You just LOVE, that’s it.
“I accept you, I see you, I stand with you, I FIGHT with you to the end. I will fight with you.
“We can create change, show the rest of world the change happen here.
This is beginning of change.”
聽著他激情的演說是會落淚的。我多希望我的成長歷程裡有人會對我說:"I FIGHT with you to the end. "
猶他州因宗教的關係,年輕LGBTQ族群的自殺率比其他地方高8倍。這也是在猶他州長大的Dan Reynolds要站出來的主要原因。積極擁抱LGBTQ的孩子們,改變我們的文化。
Dan Reynolds 之後也在twitter上表示(https://reurl.cc/zb4Op):
“celebrate our diversity. embrace our LGBTQ youth. to “accept” does not simply mean to “love” - it means you give true validity and fully embrace and support diverse sexual orientations and do not see ones sexuality as “incorrect” or “sinful”. love is an empty word otherwise.”
We must change, 11/24公投13,14,15請投贊成,10,11,12不贊成。
張貼留言 (Atom)
這是我個人對輔大性侵事件的簡單記錄。希望我們能共創一個對性侵受害者更友善的社會。有更新資訊歡迎您寄給我,我會再編輯進去。評論部分只轉設定為公開的評論。 一、 主要關係人聲明與發言 : 5/29 朱同學: 【關於巫沛瑀的性侵事件】 6/1 夏林清: 【夏林清針對...
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